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Reiki with animals

While I love giving Reiki to people, my passion is to give Reiki to animals, especially equines.

I started with my own animals, gaining experience which was so fascinating. Having ponies at home means I can just give them a short session if they are asking, which they will often do. I work intuitively, this means I focus where Im drawn to, or where the pony wants me to be which is often the same place. My Polly will present me with the part she wants me to send the energy to, where as Sally tends to like an all over session.

I have given Reiki to many types of animal and have only found one horse who wasn't too happy about it, this was a video session and to be honest I think it was the camera he didn't like, we moved it away quickly but he just wanted a very short session after that.

I have given Reiki to ponies, horses, donkeys, dogs, cats, sheep, hens, doves and more than likely others I've forgotten about just now! I have learnt through experience how best to give these sessions and how to follow my intuition and take note of what the animal is telling me, its been a journey over the years and I'm still learning which is great. This lead me on to offer Animal Reiki workshop days. I have put together 2 separate days incorporating all the things I've learnt when working with animals. Of course you would need at least 1st degree to start with which is focused on people.

I've found that animals love Reiki, they tend to find it relaxing and some relax so much they look asleep or as if sedated. Some though don't look much different and even after their sessions they may carry on as usual, this is fine, the energy has gone where it needs to go and will always be of benefit, it just might not be visible to us much in the same way as we might not see a difference in a person afterwards but if asked they may tell you different.

I have also found that Reiki often works on layers. Like peeling back an onion. This seems more obvious when presented with behavioural issues. Its like you have to help one part before moving on to the next. I had a pony client who had a course of 6 sessions, these were alternated between in person and distance, by number 4 we could all see and feel a difference and by the end he was to quote his owner "back to his old self". Weekly sessions seem to work well, this gives ample time for the energy to keep working, the session doesn't end when I go home. The energy I have helped to give to the horse will have boosted his/her system and will keep improving for a while, depending on the problem will depend on the short term improvement. By the next week they are ready for their next "dose".

I really am quite passionate about the use of Reiki for emotional, mental and behavioural well being in horses and ponies and to be fair all animals. Yet I think its more difficult for some owners to grasp the benefit and importance of these sessions, they aren't like a physio session with solid exercises. I can liken it to someone going to counselling, rather than physiotherapy. I do find also there's an element of communication between me and my equine client, I can really feel emotions from them too. What I find I tell the owner and have been accurate so far about character and issues. Its not a gimmick though these things I pick up on are usually in need of some positive energy, sometimes more than others, problems can be quite big and others subtle and small needing trickles.

Reiki is not a replacement for vet treatment, I like to call it complementary as it complements the treatment prescribed. It will not have a detrimental effect on any medicines or other treatments, it will help the animal to boost its own system and so utilise the medicines better. That said its always needed to have vet permission. This leads me on to think about permissions. I was taught to always have your clients permission to give them Reiki, with a person they will ask or say yes if asked. The owner will have given this permission too, but what about the animal? This is something I cover more in my Reiki for Animal courses. For the short explanation, I find I give out the Reiki towards the animal, its like an offering and its then obvious what they are saying, either yes or no. For one of my own ponies I may offer the energy and ask, "would you like some today?" its usually obvious, they will either stay besides me, offer me the place they want it or move away. I can do the same for wild animals or even animals I might come across who it may seem are asking. I can offer up the Reiki on the proviso that they take it if they want it.

When I first started with equine clients I offered demo days so people could see for themselves how it works.

Of course this past year I've not actually been out and about giving Reiki hands on sessions, maybe that will change again soon.

Its now 2022 and Im offering sessions again!

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